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Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism is part of the Humanities Faculty, working alongside Geography, History and History of Qatar. It is studied at KS4 and KS5.

The travel and tourism sector is the world's largest employer, accounting for 10 per cent of total employment. Tourism contributes 10 per cent to the world's GDP, and it will continue to be at the forefront of wealth and employment creation in the global economy. The course provides an introduction to the travel and tourism industry and related service industries. The syllabus develops practical skills across a range of working roles, as well as providing a global and local perspective on travel and tourism.

Students learn about popular destinations, customer care, working procedures, travel and tourism products and services, and marketing and promotion.

Students gain an understanding of the concepts, models and theories used within the industry, and also enhance their skills of investigation, analysis, interpretation and evaluation.​

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